Insight To Help You Prevent And Eliminate Weed Growth In Your Yard Next Spring
Although there may be snow on the ground or your lawn is frosted over, it is never too early to begin planning for your spring yard maintenance and the fight against weeds. Weed seeds will begin germinating along with all other seeds as soon as the ground thaws and the temperature warms. Here are some tips to help you begin to prevent and eliminate weed growth in your yard:
Eliminate Lawn Weeds
Within your lawn there may be weeds already established, remaining from last year's summer season. In the early spring, weed seeds can begin to germinate within your lawn, crowding out your lawn of its space and nutrients for growth. Apply a pre-emergent weed control to stop the germination of any weed seeds in your lawn that have sat dormant over winter.
Next, plan to apply a lawn fertilizer and weed killer treatment onto your lawn to feed your lawn and to kill off any broad-leaf weeds. This will kill off weeds, such as dandelions, morning glory and other weeds with a wide leaf pattern. The fertilizer in this treatment helps your lawn grow thicker and healthier to help crowd out the weeds better.
You can apply this treatment to your lawn in the form of lawn pellets or a foam application in the spring after you notice the weeds are present. Sprinkle or spray the treatment in two thin applications instead of one thick application to help spread it more evenly. And apply it onto your lawn right after you water your lawn, as the product will need moisture to adhere to the broad-leafed plants where it delivers the chemical treatment. It is not recommended to water your lawn for several days after treatment, as this can cause the product to not effectively kill weeds. If your lawn has crabgrass growth, you can apply a separate chemical to kill off this type of lawn weed.
Prevent Garden Weeds
If you like to garden, you likely have a plot of soil set aside for growing vegetables and other produce. Till and prepare the garden soil, as usual in early spring. Any rain in the weather can provide the moisture needed for weed seeds to germinate in your garden soil, but you don't want to apply a weed killer onto the soil, as this can prevent your vegetable plants from growing.
Until you are ready to plant your vegetable plants, lay down a black tarp or a weed barrier onto the soil, weighted down with bricks or large rocks around its edges to keep it in place. The heat of the sun will warm the covering and kill off any weed formation and also block off moisture from reaching the soil to prevent germination.
Once you plant your vegetable plants install a drip irrigation system to deliver water directly to your plants. This prevents over-watering to the soil and germination of weed seeds. Then, cover the soil between your plants with a weed barrier material to help prevent weed germination.
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