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Whole House Filter Or Faucet Filter?

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These days, it's really important to have some sort of water treatments system in your home. These systems remove chlorine, bacteria, and other contaminants that may have made it past the water treatment center or been introduced to the water on its way to your home. But which type of drinking water system should you buy? There are two really population options: faucet filters and whole-home filters. A whole home filter removes contaminants from the water as it comes into your home, and a faucet filter removes contaminants from water just before it flows out of the tap. Which one is better? Well, that depends. Take a look at the pros and cons of both systems.

Faucet Filters

Faucet filters are the more affordable option. You can put a filter on one faucet or all of your faucets — whatever you prefer. If one of the filters breaks, you can replace it without spending a fortune. Also, changing the filter inside the faucet-based water treatment system is really easy, and since the filter is right there in front of you, it's hard to forget to change it.

The downside to faucet filters is that they don't work with every faucet, so you might have to replace some of your faucet heads in order to make the filters fit. This can add to your expenses. Also, faucet filter systems tend to slow down the speed at which water comes out of the faucet, and some people can find that inconvenient.

Whole-Home Filters

Whole-home filters have the advantage of removing contaminants from all the water you use. So not only will your drinking water be "cleaner," but the water you shower in, wash your hands in, and even clean your home with will be cleaner, too. A whole home filter is out of sight, which can be nice when aesthetics is your goal.

A downfall of whole-home filter systems is that they are expensive. It can be tough to remember to change the filter itself because the system is typically hidden in the basement. Also, whole-home systems typically need to be installed by a plumber, so you have to go through the hassle of scheduling an appointment.

If you want to start filtering your water right now and without spending a lot, a system that attaches to one of your faucets may be best. On the other hand, a whole-home system gives you more protection and simplifies things. Talk to a water systems specialist, like those at Oxley Softwater Co and other locations, to learn more.
