Home Ownership Basics: Tips For Making Your House A Home

Enhancing Your Space By Sharing With Aquatic Friends - Benefits Of Installing A Tropical Fish Tank

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Many people struggle with figuring out how to get the most of their personal space. New furniture, new paint, and updated wallpaper may all seem like ways to freshen the look of your home, but you should also consider thinking outside the box by allowing creatures to live inside a box. A tropical fish tank can be a valuable addition to your home for more reasons than you realize. Below, you’ll find a guide to some of the advantages of tropical fish tanks. Read More»

Four Ways To Reduce Heat Gain Through Windows In Summer

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Along with installing a cool roof, reducing heat gain through your windows is one of the biggest things you can do to make summer easier on your AC unit. Here are four ways to reduce window heat gain: window coatings, shade plants, awnings, and shutters. 1. Use UV-blocking window coatings Window coatings come in many varieties now, not just the tinted ones that reduce window transparency. And if you don’t want your windows tinted because you’re worried it’ll make you look inhospitable (or for some other reason, such as because it’s against your HOA rules), you can obtain window films that allow great visibility but still reduce heat gain. Read More»

Adding Value To A Small Kitchen

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Renovating a small kitchen is a great way to add more value to a house. The type of appliances, countertops, and flooring in a kitchen can play a role in how good it looks, even if it is small. If you are ready to change the look of your kitchen within a specific budget, there are several things that you should consider. You might not be able to increase the space within your budget, but you can add a lot of value if quality work is done. Read More»

Why You Should Install A Reverse Osmosis System In Your Home

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Reverse osmosis systems use a system of filters to help provide you and your family with clean water that is free of chemicals and bacteria, making it safer for drinking. Installing a reverse osmosis system in your home may not be for everyone, but for most it may be a good investment. See below for reasons why you need a reverse osmosis system in your home. Save Money Installing a reverse osmosis system can actually save you money in the long run if you spend a lot of money on bottled water, filters for your refrigerator filtration system, or water pitcher filters. Read More»

How To Clean And Maintain Curtains

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Found in almost every home, curtains provide two important functions. First, they’re designed to provide privacy from the outside world, as well as block both natural and artificial light from entering your house. They also play a role in beautifying your home, as it’s easy to find a style and color that will blend with any decor style or theme. If you’re looking for a way to give a room a personal look without spending too much money, new curtains are the way to go. Read More»